All White to Singapore is what All Black is to New York! Living in New York for almost two decades not only shaped my character but definitely added a lot of black to my wardrobe. It was definitely cool to be seen in Bergdorf Goodman in all black, you were one of them. Now living in Singapore wearing black will get you noticed for the wrong reasons. ‘Aren’t you hot in this girl? ‘ is what you might hear from others. One thing for sure is the annoying rule “No white after labor day” will ever apply.
My wardrobe changed drastically since my days in NY. Now it consists of much lighter colors, the ones that breath, sway, inspire. The white being  my favorite.

1. Don’t  be afraid to go all out with white: white clothes and white accessories.

2. Mix fabrics like white chiffon and white lace or  try silk and lace

3. Try peasant style dresses with interesting embroidery work

4.  Don’t forget to always have fun




